Schedule an Appointment (701) 223-6613
Attention to safety helps to protect a business’ most valuable resource, its people. Healthways also helps prevent both personal and financial loss. You can lower the chance of work injury if you make safety a part of your work environment. Benefits of having a safety program include: increased safety awareness, increased morale among workers, reduced risk of injury to workers, improved quality of work, increased productivity, and reduced Worker’s Compensation costs. Healthways will work with your company to develop and implement your safety program, allowing you to take advantage of the current premium discounts available through Workforce Safety.
Our pre-employment screening program involves an initial extremely thorough health history questionnaire designed to help determine if the person you wish to employ is physically able to fulfill the essential functions of the job. A physical exam may also be required in certain individuals if dictated in the health history questionnaire. Through properly matching the worker with the job, work productivity and injury reduction are significantly enhanced.
We provide DOT physicals for federally regulated commercial drivers.
Call us today to set up your appointment.